When we suddenly bear an affliction, our pride, impatience, and unbelief will often surface. 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God never wastes pain. But in the meantime, we do not suffer alone. God is waiting, Hes being patient, Hes continually pursuing those far from Him in hopes they will return to Him. What Does it Mean to Taste and See that the Lord is Good? Some respondents said their pain was the result of their own choices, while others said it wasnt. Its a common question that is used to argue that either God is not all-good or He is not all-powerful. Reason no. The meaning of this verse makes it clear that pain and suffering have a way of bringing our strengths and weaknesses to the surface. There is life and health, and there is disease and death. God permits moral evil to the extent that He gives us free will. Pain alerts us something is wrong and we need to stop or seek help. Illness, pain, earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters are examples of physical evils. We demand answers and that God fixes our problem(s). One possible answer is that goes back to Point 1 is His love. The Bible teaches that Satan is the author of sin. Man is not the centre. So, what do we know about why does God allow suffering? One of the greatest gifts of God is free will. Thanks for reading! At other times it results from our sin, yet it still makes us more like Christ and gives God glory; therefore, it's for our good. When the dross floats to the surface, God skims it off; he purifies and refines us to be the radiant bride of Christ. Abraham's Bosom? Yet, none of us is innocent. God is not the creator of evil, pain, and suffering. If we seek God, He is faithful and He will provide. Why does God allow evil, pain, and suffering? We have to ask ourselves if we trust that Gods plan is good, even if at the moment it doesnt seem good. Also see How To Listen To God to learn more. In doing so they broke the perfect communion that they had with God and plunged the world into sin and darkness. Jesus prayed that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You (John 17:21). Many agnostics believe that God is a punishing, vengeful being indifferent to our pains and suffering. Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God the Father, and He sees our suffering. A better spouse? Man does not exist for his own sake We were made not primarily that we may love God (though we were made for that too) but that God may love us, that we may become objects in which the divine love may rest well pleased. Or, if God is all loving, then He cannot be all powerful, or He would do something about it. I remember asking God why He allowed pain and suffering on two occasions in my life. Romans 3:23 says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.". He created, gave life, put order, assigned man to govern everything, and warned him of the danger that eating what is forbidden brings. If we run from our pain we are missing out on growth opportunities. The problem is our culture sees pain as the enemy. The assumption is that the story is over. This question takes on a whole different (and painful) reality when we are the ones suffering. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. But with time and it may take us a long time we need to get to the place where we stop asking why and ask what. Some of the most faithful believers in the Bible experienced pain. One day it will all make sense. After recent shootings in Indianapolis, Chicago and Minneapolis, its natural to wonder why a sovereign God allows suffering. People are going to watch us as Christians. Why God Allows Suffering One of the most brutal truths to understand about God is why He allows pain and suffering. Most of us think if we could eliminate pain from the world that would be a good thing. God allows pain in the life of an unbeliever so that they will become a believer. Sin is the reason that we have afflictions, including death. For now, we must hold onto the hope that our suffering is temporary. One of our cultural values is freedom. Paul writes, This light of momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look to the things that are not seen but the things that are unseen. But the creatures are not happy. It's important to make this distinction. One of the first things we think of when it comes to suffering is that we must avoid it at all costs, but God brings suffering in our lives for the sake of our eternal joy and glory, even if we cant understand why at this time. Trials take our minds off of things of the world and put them back on the Lord. God didn't stop Adam from sinning (see Genesis 3:1-9 in context). Reasons for Hope* Jesus is donor supported. One of the most common arguments atheists challenge Christians with is the so-called "problem of pain." If there's an all-powerful, loving God, why do bad things happen? God is the answer in the midst of our brokenness, and this answer is found ultimately in Jesus who became cursed to redeem those who are cursed ( Gal. For some people they dont have to imagine what a pain-free world would be like, they are living it. Is it possible that He using pain for our good? He can bring good out of evil. In Genesis 1:31 God looks over His creation and declares it VERY good. Pain is a form of physical suffering that may be the result of injury, illness, genetics, or something else. So they were created with perfect bodies and godly minds capable of directing their desires and will, and reflecting Gods nature and His glory. Human suffering remains meaningless and barren unless we have some assurance that God is sympathetic to our pain, and can somehow heal the pain. We know that pain and suffering was not part of Gods plan. "It is safe to say that both skeptic and believer alike share one opinion in common: The question of pain and suffering provides the greatest challenge to belief in God." In WHY SUFFERING?, Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale provide the 10 primary reasons why a loving God might allow suffering --- why the existence of suffering does not negate . But God has revealed answers through the Bible and through the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ. But God wasnt taken aback or surprised. For more about the effects of sin and the work of Jesus check out: What Is Sin? A small percentage of the world has a genetic disorder called congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis or CIPA, basically meaning they feel no pain. Home Feeling pain leads many people to have compassion toward others who are having the same experience. Weve established why pain and suffering exists, but we also know that God has the power to stop pain and suffering. My guess is that what caused the most growth in your life was some kind of pain. 52:13-53:12). Anne Graham Lotz: What Impossible Situation Are You Facing? Why do you allow so much pain?" Be it a job loss, illness, or loss of a spouse or child, these are questions we've all had. Pain isnt something we need to get rid of. 1: If God won't allow suffering, we will lose our FREE WILL. People. After realizing the weight of our decisions, we are then given the opportunity to grow wise or not, it depends on us. All suffering is the result of sin which ultimately produces evil. Paul writes, We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose, (Romans 8:28). Explore this snippet Tye Tribbett's sermon about pain and why God allows it! I hope that this teaching on why does God allow suffering helped you rethink parts of your life and faith. Why does God allow suffering? BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Believe that in your pain and suffering, God is ever present. Now you ask, why does God allow pain, suffering, and failure in our lives? And the Bible teaches us to bring this message to those in the midst of suffering. We should not waste the trials in this life, but rather use them as an opportunity to turn to the Lord and draw close to Him in trusting faith, remembering that the goodness of God endures continually (Psalm 52:1b) and His mercies are new every morninggreat is His faithfulness. This pain can be intense. To become better at your job? Just pray more. Suffering will force us to move, we dont get to decide that. Personal Pain. To pick up one theme of suffering in Scripture is to miss the entire picture. But first we need to understand what suffering is and isnt. If He's good, why allow pain and suffering? To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. See you next time! But in a monotheistic worldview, why would God allow pain and suffering? When you see someone who is clearly suffering but can still say: God is with Me. God uses suffering to expose the sin that clings so closely to our hearts. lets look at what the Bible says about suffering. He created the earth, and all that is in it, to be in perfect harmony with His character and nature. Our culture is both obsessed with pain and terrified of it at the same time. Because we have been comforted through the Word of God, we in turn may be able to comfort others. Hope is not lost. It will shed some light on the question we are asking. When the complexity of suffering rears us its head, we will find ourselves ill-equipped to deal with the ramifications. Reasons for Hope* Jesus, Yes, send me answers to interesting and challenging questions about Jesus and the Bible. That way they can benefit from it as you have. We rebelled against God, and still do. Not only can pain and love co-exist but when you choose to love you risk pain. Those who have been abused wear scars that seemingly never heal. The answer to this question is that none of us are truly innocent or undeserving. This answers the question, 'Why didn't God create a world where people don't suffer?' "The answer is He did. Second, we can offer real and practical help to those in need. As fire swept through the MGM Grand Hotel, I saw the emergency crews, the military people, The Salvation Army, the Red Cross, the doctors, the nurses and the people coming to donate clothes and food. Whatever the reasons behind pain and suffering, we all experience it because of sin having entered the world. Man stayed awake by day and slept at night, and had a full day to rest at the end of the week. All of our problems and our suffering, including death itself, are a result of man's rebellion against God. But Jesus sent them anyway. Here are five biblical reasons why God allows suffering. Christians experience pain to spiritual maturity through the imitation of Christ. Suffering exists because the story is not over. Can Gods children avoid pain? You are brothers and sisters. We think pain is the enemy, something to be avoided. But when we engage with Scripture and understand what the Bible has to say about suffering, it can broaden our perspective and enable us to make sense of our circumstances in a new way. In the beginning, God created a world absent of suffering. Find hope, peace, and security today. It's through pain that we will grow and develop into who God has created us to be. If you listen pain will tell you something. He will always do what will be good for us (see Romans 8:28-30). Until we understand that there are things we will not see this side of heaven, this question will cause us to stumble. Without it, we cannot truly experience love. Ultimately God's plan will put an end to murder, cancer, tragic accidents, loneliness, sadness, depression, and grief. We often casually throw out the words "Lord and Savior," but these should not just be empty words that we say at church. Suffering carries a message of mystery. Let me explain. Telling someone youre with them and all hope is not lost goes a lot further. de Russell, Bob sur AbeBooks.fr - ISBN 10 : 0802411975 - ISBN 13 : 9780802411976 - Moody Publishers - 2014 - Couverture souple The Bible says that Job suddenly lost all of his wealth and his children. The pain is a defense mechanism that keeps you from further harm. What we go through might be because of what we choose, but God always has a good plan for us (see Jeremiah 29:11). What mentality should believers have toward pain? Pain is a frontline defense of the body. A sharp pain in your foot might tell you that you stepped on a nail. Betrayal leaves many wondering if they will ever be whole again. Will Graham Devotion: 3 Reminders in Your Suffering, Will Graham Devotion: Suffering for Jesus. Billy Graham Jesus sees pain as an avenue for growth. To Kill Sin and Grow Godliness. Instead, He forewarned the man and allowed him to decide for himself. Pain, suffering, and evil come into the ultimately because of sin. DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affliliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links. But we shouldnt run from pain. (why its more than missing the mark). This idea is false. If God created us without free will, we would be living machines and not made in His image and likeness. We can trust in His goodness even in the midst of our suffering. This was a mission destined to have failure in it. If you're wondering why God allows us to experience pain and failures, let me encourage you: He loves you, that's why He allows them to happen. They're actually meant to make us see our grave need for Him. Its pain that will grow you. Also see Where Is God When Im Scared? Pain is our enemy. 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