The system is fully automated and personnel access is limited due to open machinery hazards. Exit reception up the catwalk in the back. Objective: Site3 Security Lockdown. Make it quick! This is an update of the original Doom's demon, which was nicknamed pinky for its not-so-ferocious color scheme. The door here is locked. Move to the balcony overlooking the common area and spot another arch vile below. The shotgun is the ultimate close-range weapon and since Doom 3 consists of a lot of corridor fighting, it's one of the better overall weapons in the game. However, look up and shoot out the light to provide a bit more darkness (the light still flickers). It also moves directly into the lab containing the teleporter to the berserk. A couple armed guards patrol the room. Grab more shotgun shells in the center. Be ready to take out a guard hiding in an alcove to the right ahead of you. The small supply room is to the left. Before entering, drop down into a niche along the right wall and find armor. BFG cells are the rarest ammunition in the game. Grab the ACO card from the desk. Advance to the service area and watch out for the zombie ambush. It's the id Software logo. It's much easier to dodge those projectiles at longer range. Continue to the room on the right where you encounter a woman. The sourceport I discuss further, is called 'Dhewm'. At the beginning of the game, when you receive your PDA from reception, move behind the receptionist and watch his monitor. Eliminate it. Objectives: Locate maintenance entrance. Return to the main hall and watch the moving platform. Back up to take on the two ahead but remember there's a third behind you. Go into the blue light. Open it for supplies. It's a slow-moving projectile so it certainly isn't a given that the shot will connect. Approach the common area. When the battle concludes, go up the stairs on the right. I have to find the main Portal. Continue through and watch out for the thrown barrels from above. It's best just to stay in one of the sight chambers and lure the souls through the chokepoint. More lost souls lurk about. Leap down through the window toward the EPD. The communications tower is the primary link for off-planet communications. Open the next door and trigger a couple guards on the upper floor. Open the locker using code 371. Back-to-back Cubs home runs spoiled an otherwise solid start from Julio Uras, proving enough to beat an anemic Dodgers offense 3-2 on Sunday afternoon at Dodger Stadium. Blast the zombie and guard. Move to the left side of the room and observe the pattern of the spinning mechanisms. While it's not going to mow down the toughest enemies quickly, the machine gun is good enough to go toe-to-toe with most foes at medium-to-long range. Be ready though; it's a trap. Speak with this frightened worker and grab the nearby keycard. Kill the zombie to the left in this junction hallway then enter the infirmary access on the right. Open the door behind you and find a couple storage cabinets. Can anyone tell me where the hell it is? Kill it and get into the elevator. Check that window before scurrying through! Go to the opposite side of the terminal and enter the decontamination chamber. Open with the code 364. Go through the door. Note the Lab A meeting room number: 627. Grab the armor and use the health station if needed. The last portion of Doom 3 takes place at Site 3. Battle some monsters then search the pipes for ammo and armor. Beware of a couple soldiers that ambush you from behind. Practice effective weapons management. Defeat two imps and push onward. This is where most of the artifacts from the Ancient Martian civilization were found, including the stone tablets and Soul Cube. Encounter several imps. Go through the door marked blue 20. The imp can lunge itself at your position (often when it's waiting behind a door); the strike is often too fast to dodge or counter. Return to the command Message Center for a status update from Sergeant Kelly. Open the storage locker using code 123 for some ammo (including plasma gun ammo). Keep moving backward and switch to the machine gun to defeat your pursuers. Go left and find the lift access door. Defeat a couple cacodemons then scamper to the airlock. Snag Anthony Garza's PDA and read his email regarding the rocket launcher. Use the computer to scan for active pads. Locate the berserk in The Edge 2's central room. Return to the storage area (where more enemies await) and cross the locked door. The shotgun is a better bet at close-range but if you stick with the machine gun, aim for the head. Defeat him then enter the lift and use the controls. Reach the elevator and use it to reach satellite control. Exit and observe the guard ahead of you. It certainly isn't as scarce as BFG cells but finding plasma cells will often be a reward for extra exploration or discovering a cabinet code. The lights switch off and monsters teleport in. Move through communications access (spot the commotion to your right) and defeat a couple guards: one in front another behind. If the creature maneuvers close, the shotgun is certainly an option since you can rest assured most of the shotgun's projectiles will connect. There's also a health station in the right corner. Battle the soldier and a handful of guards. Return to the hall and go left. Find Frank Cerano's PDA on the desk. Open the transfer door and enter alpha labs reception. Return to the intersection. Doom 3 BFG Edition is the ultimate collection of groundbreaking games that defined the First-Person Shooter (FPS) game genre. You can't open the door marked "Power Routing/Control" here so turn around and enter the opposite door. Concentrate on one hell knight to kill it as quickly as possible. Move into the adjacent room and speak with the wounded marine. You'll also find Simon Garlick's PDA here. Check the door on the far left for a new objective. The next hall contains a trio of guards. Grab all items from room (search behind the crates too) then open the bay door into the next level. Battle the imp in front of the lift. You'll battle a revenant and imp on the way. Walk forward and grab Robert Price's PDA off of the ground. Find a collection of ammo on this scaffolding. Eliminate remaining enemies and follow the glowing glyphs on the ground toward an ammo stash--including a rocket launcher. If you get knocked down, just retrace your steps back up to the overlook. As you back pedal around the area, watch out for maggots and imps that emerge from the fiery center. Plasma canisters are also manufactured here from the RC power production byproduct. Ready your shotgun and open the door. Ride it around to the right and near the ledge containing ammo. Objective: Alpha Access Elevator. Continue down the hall and face a couple soldiers. If not just shoot them! Ascend to the top of these catwalks and move toward the unlocked door. An arch vile patrols inside. Doom 3's new machine gun is a solid weapon and fairly accurate at longer range. Move down the unexplored hallway and open the door into marine command access. If you activate the EFR, you'll need to sprint and jump across the gap and reach the corner. Defeat the emerging imp. Use them to proceed to the next level. Dodge its rockets (using pillars as cover). Gather supplies then ascend the ledges to the upper catwalk (where the other revenant stood). In this puzzle you must select a bin then use the mechanism to ride the bin to the hatch in the upper right. Board and use the freight. Help the bot defeat them. You'll trigger and imp and some cherubs. Use the console to activate the magnetic field discharge. You'll face an imp along the way then two more in the lobby. Watch around you constantly as guards, soldiers, and imps warp in. In the open cavern, go right and gather ammo from the scaffolding. Doom 3 Campaign: Part 1 (Chapter-01) Mars City Mars City Hangar: Security Checkpoint: Departure Lounge: Mars City Reception: (On the PDA issued by H. Feiner and On a desk near H. Feiner) Central Access Junction: Central Access: Command Access Junction: Common Area: (Disk not collectable - watch on overhead video) Marine Command Access: You could also give the soul cube a workout here. It's possible to use the shotgun against stronger enemies, such as the revenant or hell knight, but you won't be able to take down these beasts in one hit much less several hits. Climb over the debris into research control. He seems to have some intriguing information regarding the scientist but won't divulge. It's near some crates along the back wall. Utilize this bridge to rotate to several different rooms and passages. Go inside the room on the right. Search his alcove for ammo and health. Use something that won't need reloading often, like the machine gun. Speak with the guy exiting the bathroom and explore inside if you wish. You've located the scientist. Find the door on the left. Maneuver through the lobby corridor and return to the elevators. Approach the console and click any bin. Work your way through the service tunnel. Find the office of Chief M. Abrams. Gather the items along the way. Restore power to the Delta Labs. Go through Administration for entry into the Alpha Labs Sector. Look under the stairs for some armor shards before going through the door marked convergence chamber. The zombies are a diverse set of enemies. It's id Software's personal data assistant. Sprint and jump on the ledges between them and to the far side. Go to the end of the hall and through the door. But it's wise to keep the hell knight at a distance. It's possible to fall into the staging area below. The second email reveals a communications cabinet code: 246. Fight your way back to the main room. Descend the main elevator shaft. Beware of one behind you. Battle a zombie and imp through the next door. Site 3. One is broken and the other requires a clearance you don't have. Place the data linker to receive a new objective regarding the reactor control room. Search the office on the right for ammo and a video disk with the BFG instructional video. The next hall contains several cacodemons. Continue straight into the kitchen area. Just push the box out of the way. Work toward the skyway (beware of a guard that appears to the left) and into the lobby. Initiate the reactor's power from this console. Enter energy delivery. Return to the lobby and head for the monorail station. An imp appears in the next room; shoot him with the machinegun then battle another guard through the new path. There's a health station in the back left corner. Crush him, search for health and armor, and exit. Let's say you move into a new hall and spot an imp appear in the distance. When the floor breaks, drop down and use the ladder. The soul cube is a primary focus of Doom 3's single-player storyline. At station 3, drop down into the room below. Proceed down to maintenance. The shotgun: then and now. Drop down the reactor's center to find the berserk power-up and an exit teleporter. Head . Defeat this arch vile as soon as it enters. Utilize the pillars as cover and avoid standing in front of them and taking the punishment from their projectiles. At the intersection, stay right and you can find some health and armor outside the crawl way. After a scary "episode" another imp arrives. The resulting blow knocks you around and can cause disorientation. Keep enough distance between you and the demon so you can slide along the center edge and take cover against the cyberdemon's projectiles. Use the generator then the lift to move on. Don't dive down the reactor when the room is red; there's a red beam coming from the reactor's center and touching it is deadly. Open the secured door using your new clearance. Now you're ready to unleash some big fist damage on anyone you can find. Pick up Seamus Blake's PDA off of the console. Approach the door at the tunnel's end. Some ingenuity--and box pushing--can get you inside this room and to the plasma cells. The audio log talks about the BFG-9000 in this guy's office. The commando with chain gun is similar to the z-sec soldier; he'll take cover occasionally and can certain inflict decent damage with the high rate-of-fire chain gun. Open the bay door to complete the level. Back out and don't face them all at once. You can go to left two but you'll find it blocked. The shotgun's "recharge time" (the amount of time it takes to fire the weapon again) is rather long. Grab Mark Lamia's PDA off of the desk. You'll also trigger some ticks by exploring. Turn around and spot the berserk power-up. Continue to the end and enter storage area. Watch the cut scene and meet your first and second hell knight. One of the map's key rooms is a multi-exit room just outside the reactor room. Allow the transferred tube to provide the light as you move through. The code he gives is 901. Find a small med kit on the left side of the path. Move through the junction and open the bay door. A trio of imps drops down to your right. The standard issue pistol is a typical "first weapon" first-person shooter weapon. Delta Labs - Sector 3 contains the second generation transfer platforms, able to transport variable distances to small portable receiving platforms. Defeat the materializing monster before resuming course behind the sentry bot. If one remains above, toss a grenade up there. Get ready to move! Beat the imps down. Approach the PDA on the stone block and pick it up. Enter the lift and proceed to level two, communications. Walk around to the left and pick up oxygen as you move. Crush the arch vile inside the room with your rocket launcher. There's some cover there but it's well-lit. Be cautious around the explosive barrels. Doom 3's chain gun is essentially a high-powered machine gun. Approach and click your mouse button on the id logo. Manually override the monorail airlock systems. There are only five rockets in each pack. Your next path is around to the left (if facing where you came from). Talk with him. Main Objective: Find the soul cube and escape Hell. Kill this beast quickly! Descend a ladder to the right to find some supplies. The Saboath is like one-third tank, one-third cyborg, and one-third BFG. Use the lift. The email includes a cabinet code. These include the "z-sec" and commando variety. Cross the room to convergence chamber one. As you approach the open doorway, beware of spiders from behind and a maggot in front. This summons another that enters from the right side. Enter the security office with shotgun armed to defeat the guard on console in the left corner. Grab Charles Hollies' PDA, which includes a cabinet code 142. There's a health station to the left. Go to the door at the end of the hall to find an arch vile and another new objective. Zombies are fairly slow, though, so you should be able to move in, slice and dice, and back out before getting struck. Now you must decide to transmit the message or cancel it. Use the large door here and beware of the leaping imp on the other side. From early in the game all the way to the last battle, there are imps--many, many imps. Its code is 409. Proceed through the door in this room. Return through the common area and return to the main entrance hall. Objective: Retrieve Data Linker. When you spot the walkway above you, raise the lift and leap onto the catwalk. Gather all needed supplies. There's some armor inside. A stationary imp is also an inviting target. Explore the infirmary and nearby rooms for supplies and a PDA. Central Processing houses the control systems which are used to process data for experiments, archive data, and manage the CPU overhead for security and regular day-to-day operations of the entire outpost on Mars. Eliminate them and continue on toward the left side. It's also strong against tougher foes but you may need to reload so it's wise to have cover or a retreat route available. Open the bay door toward the monorail and complete the level. Locate another console and open a security hatch. Go around to the other side and follow the hall. Here's a first look at the BFG 9000 in action. Most of the z-sec soldiers will approach your position and attempt to attack you at closer range so it's best to lure them into an ambush. You're inside reception processing. Activate the monorail then talk to T. Ryan when he appears. A door on the left is locked--need a keycard. You may need to move away from these enemies and require a safe place to reload. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Therefore, allowing him to remain alive is dangerous every second he remains in existence. There's also a rocket launcher and armor near a skeleton at the intersection. Kill the creature and locate a secret hatch on the right side. Cycle the airlock, which opens you to the surface. Now that you possess a PDA you can download information from these kiosks. You can go up the ladder and check out the empty balcony. That way the imp lunges and hits the door jam. It attempts to bust open the door; when it fails, it moves on to the glass. Turn around and battle an imp as you proceed toward the stairs; battle cacodemons and imps at the top. Continue to the room of stairs where a hell knight and support ticks appear. At medium-range, develop a pattern. As you move, imps, soldiers, and ticks spawn to battle. Move around the junction to find the door on the opposite side. Point your chainsaw at them and slice and dice the lost souls as they approach. Face off against the archvile as you move forward. You shouldn't advance at armed soldiers. The plasma gun offers an excellent balance of damage, rate of fire, and accuracy. When all seekers die, turn toward the guardian and blast the blue orb with rockets, the BFG, or the plasma. There's also storage cabinet #666 here. Take out another guard from long-range then a second that crawls from a hole near the console in the left corner. Gather supplies and climb up the ladder. Open the service access on the right and go down inside. Enter the next room. Objective: Hazard Door Sealed. Use pad 2 security to enter the locked security office. Drop down and prepare for a big battle. Pick up the video disk and PDA off this desk. Walk forward and speak with security. Note the information kiosk in the room. Doom's rocket launcher: then and now. The primary EPD reactor feeds into the hydrocon processing system for transport to sector 2 MFS refinement and storage. The Administration Facility is the corporate presence on Mars. At the intersection, go left and down some steps to find another plasma gun. The demon's first appearance in Doom 3 is magnificent and one of the greatest enemy entrances of all time. Pick up this PDA to discover an airlock code. Return up a series of ladders. Enter any of the following commands to toggle or activate the corresponding cheat. Locate Reactor Control Room. For example, the chain gun is much more inaccurate at longer range than the machine gun. His audio log reveals the Lab A code 627. Enter the siphon and defeat the remaining monsters, including an imp. Reach the authority systems room where you'll find a health station and some armor under the floor. You'll reach a balcony over the lobby. Find the id Software logo in the back corner. Use the rising cylinder to reach the upper catwalk. Detonate explosives to create blasts that can damage or kill nearby enemies. Locate the BFG just on the other side of the rocks near the very edge. Grabbing this PDA triggers the arrival of several imps. Check the offices for ammo and health. Security. A complimentary message is your reward. Open the door and kill the chainsaw zombie to the left. Like zombies, the term "soldier" encompasses a lot of enemy types. Enter the next chamber. Find the storage locker down below. Use the same method against wraiths, zombies, and many soldiers. The close-range powerhouse. When done, enter the bay door into the next level. On it you'll find Duncan Mathews' PDA as well as some armor and health. Pummel these imps once enhanced by your berserk power-up. Watch out for the imp and soldier that appear from the right. Defeat the imps that arrive then pick up Richard Davis' PDA. Note the location of health machines and return to them repeatedly if needed. Also be careful against enemies that leap at you, such as cherubs and ticks. Enter the dark restroom on the right. With all of the entrances and exits (and the presence of the berserk power-up) this central area will certainly be a hotspot. Greet your first revenant inside this storage area. Union Aerospace executives located in the upper level offices are responsible for all local and interplanetary administrative tasks. Exit through the unlocked door. Switch to another weapon and use the pillars as cover against the knight's melee and projectile attacks. All specimens are catalogued and stored locally. Spot the ladder. Maneuver through the hall and drop down into artifact research. Lure the imp to the explosive barrels to kill it. You have a choice of your teleport destination: pad 1 main or pad 2 balcony. Drop down onto the pipe that leads to the catwalk on the other side. Crawl through and emerge in Delta's main lobby. The hell knight is a menacing humanoid giant. It's a relatively slow reload time. At close-range, an accurate shotgun blast can eliminate these enemies in a single blast. Grab some armor and health in the room. If you charge the BFG too long, it explodes in your hands--likely instant death. You may find some carrying flashlights, others carrying wrenches, and even some overweight zombies.

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