Blue Crabs are native to the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, from Nova Scotia to the Gulf of Mexico. Their tubercles, or the bodily projections on their shells, are moderately enclosed in calcium deposits, and they boast hooked setae, which are rigid, yet springy, hair-like organs on their claws. This Fisheries Management Plan includes all species and fisheries for Alaska crab (red, blue, and brown king crab, Tanner crab, and snow crab). The Bairdi crab is also larger than the opilio crab; for example, a Bairdi crab can be up to four inches long while an opilio crab can only be about one inch long. Dungeness Crabs have a yellowish-brown to a purplish toned exoskeleton, with an oval-shaped carapace. Images Courtesy of Seafood Business Magazine, Latin: Chionoecetes opilio; C.hairdi, C. tanneri, C. japonicus, Exporting Countries If youve seen a crab walking along the shore, youve, Read More Why Do Crabs Walk Sideways?Continue. [4] Males can grow up to 16.5cm (6.5in) in carapace width, while females can grow up to 9.5cm (3.7in). Then, they metamorphose into the megalopa stage and settle to the ocean floor among the phytodetritus. Purchased canned seafood products and ate salmon BBQ while up there. It is also rated to find and can be caught in huge numbers during January every year.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'askanydifference_com-leader-3','ezslot_21',666,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-askanydifference_com-leader-3-0'); Ive put so much effort writing this blog post to provide value to you. Bairdi Crabs have short tails. we watch religiously from sunny southern California.. A sexually mature female will have an abdomen that stretches all the way to the base of the legs on both sides - regardless of species. [7] In Atlantic waters, most snow crabs are found at depths of 70280m (230920ft). A king crab can spread out to a width of 5 to 6 feet. But if youre looking for something a little different, you might want to try out the bairdi crab.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'differencess_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-differencess_com-banner-1-0'); The bairdi crab is a type of crab that is known for its sweet flavor and delicate texture. Few people are aware of how versatile crabs are. [14] Cancellation of the crab fishery has significant implications for fishermen, industry, and communities. The Dungeness Crab lives in colder environments on the sandy, muddy bottom areas of the seafloor. Unlike the Snow Crab and the King Crab, these types of crab have only four walking legs. Fertilization of the second clutch of eggs of snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, from females mated once or twice after their molt to maturity Bernard Sainte-Marie Females ofthe commercially important genus Chionoecetes l.Brachyura: Majidae) copulate and extrude eggs for the first time soon after a terminal molt to maturity . Three weeks to mating, the male crab holds the female. The female crabs on the other hand can weigh around half a kilo. Claws, legs and the immediate connectors to the legs inside the body. Bering Sea snow crab support a valuable commercial fishery. Despite having powerful claws, the Jonah Crab is not a very aggressive crab species. Also found in a large area of the northern Pacific Maximum carapace width: Varies between regions. . Advertising Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. At the same time, Baridi crab is known for its subtly sweet flavour in taste. Now I dont mind paying the high prices for their bounty, either! As for why they seem to catch pots full of either big males (keepers!!) It is often eaten raw, but can also be cooked. They consume seaworms and clams. It also has two flexible eyestalks with three spines located on top of it, and the rest of the nine spines sit on the borders of the shell. Photo: NOAA Fisheries. Many crab lovers prefer blue crab because of its white delicate sweet meat. Last updated by NOAA Fisheries on 01/13/2023. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS ,AND COME SOME SAFEWHATS UP WITH THE LAST DERBY, DOES OBAMA HAVE TO DO SOMETHING WITH THIS?????????? The female Bairdi Crabs incubate for 12 months before hatching. The adult crab can grow up to a weight of 1.8 kilograms. (Ive often wondered how much and who insures these boats in seas this dangerous!!) Crabs are widespread, and there are about 7000 species worldwide, with most of them belonging to the Brachyura family. The consumption of crabs was mainly because of their flavour and taste. Take out a big life insurance policy if you do. The larva of the crab can swim for a while. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'askanydifference_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',664,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-askanydifference_com-leader-4-0'); The eating pattern of Opilios differs in its size. Only male snow crabs that meet or exceed the minimum catch size are kept and female snow crabs are always returned to the water to ensure a sustainable fishery. Experts believe temperatures above 7C can be detrimental to a Snow Crabs survival. [8] Cannibalism is practised at times among snow crabs, most frequently by intermediate-sized females., Geico Caveman cooking for Deadliest Catchskippers, Deadliest catch: Edgar, Matt, and Jake are headed toFlorida, Its not King crab or Sharks, its Swordfish, Deadliest Catch: Captain Keith coming to Fairhaven,WA, Greg & Ragnhild Moncrief of F/V Far West Leader keeping busy, Fisherman laments sunken vessel, starts anew with Lucky Lady, The market name of snow crab applies to four species, the Latin names of which are listed above. The Bairdi Crab is also known to have a red-brown coloring, while the Opilio Crab is yellow-orange.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'differencess_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-differencess_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Bairdi crabs are a type of crab that feed mainly on mollusks. Since the Hermit Crab has around 800 species, it is difficult to pinpoint its exact physical characteristics, especially its color, because they vary from species to species. From the giant Japanese Spider Crab to the small European Green Crab, this article takes a closer look at the most popular types of crab and their physical characteristics, making it easier to spot them in real life. Can You Eat Coconut Crabs and How Does It Taste. It is characterized by its small claws and lack of spines on its back. Horseshoe Crabs have a hard exoskeleton with an arc-shaped, hard, brownish-green shell. In summary, the most important differences between male and female crabs could be laid out as follows. Opilio, Latin name: Chionoecetes opilio Family: Majidae Natural distribution: The northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Ryan is the owner of Fisherman First and manages the team of expert writers on the site. A rebuilding plan is being developed. Male King Crabs are larger than female King Crabs. The main difference between a female and a male is the triangle shaped breast plate underneath the crab. Males also are capable of mating at both immature and mature stages of their lives.[10]. The difference between opilio crab price per pound 2019 and opilio crab price per pound 2018 is an increase of $1 to $2 dollars per pound. Now you want to store them to use tomorrow or even the next day, but you arent sure how long they will live. Snow CrabContinue, If youve gone crabbing, you may have caught a lovely big haul of blue crabs, more than you can cook today. The Opilio Crabs hav4 4 long pairs of legs. Chionoecetes is pronounced ki-no-see-tes. They are native to the Bering Sea between Alaska and Russia, with a short harvesting span of the winter season. It is no wonder that blue crabs are such a delicious feast that many people enjoy. Have a safe trip on your next journey out. It can grow as long as 3 inches, almost 8 inches wide, weigh up to 9 lbs, and is the largest species of land crab in the world. Its very easy to tell the difference at a glance when fishing for them. ROCK AND ROLL. Great show and a new found respect for what you all do. Like the Dungeness Crab, it has an oval shape but slightly larger claws and a darker, rough texture. A male's flap is triangular, while a female has a broad, round abdominal flap. The Snow Crab, also known as the Queen Crab because of its long legs, has a spider-like shape and a hard and round shell. Our research in Alaska on thegrowth, reproduction, diet, distribution, and juvenile habitat of Alaska snow crabprovides information crucial for understanding and managing this species. It's by far the most abundant snow crab and it's not even close. Blue Crabs have long shells about 9 inches across, five pairs of legs, and a set of sharp, bright blue claws in the front. The C. hairdi are also known as tanner crabs. There are many more crabs to encounter on the beach than the common King or Hermit Crabs. Chionoecetes is a genus of crabs that live in the northern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.. Returning excess catch is too expensive. It is green on the outside and contains yellow or red patches underneath. It features a reddish shell and is yellow from underneath. Bairdi Crab has short tails, while Opilio has longer ones. The key differences between opilio crabs and king . The flavor difference is more noticeable when the female blue crabs are heavily laden with roe. 5 to 6 a.m.: Soak crab pots for bay crabbing. Here is the link, theres a contact name at the bottom of the screen: Tanner crab are often marketed under the name "snow crab." Just wondering what the opilio crab are used for? Im confused. Why isnt that boat pitching and yawing like the crabbing boats? Though the crab is smaller, its 4 pairs of legs make it look bigger. When you are fishing in Jan. for Opilio Crab, Where are the opilio crab in other months? I didnt realize what a cult is growing around this show. However, throwing them back became a custom over time, with many not knowing the real reason. . They are smaller in size than the king crab and are prone to being dirty, and not sellable. Do you enjoy crabbing and want to learn more about the anatomy of crabs? Another difference between these two crabs is that the Bairdi crab prefers to live in deeper water habitats, while the opilio crab prefers shallower water habitats. However, it is also observed that a Bairdi Crab is more giant than the other Chionoecetes varieties. You may also wonder when and how long, Read More How Long Is The Crab Season?Continue. The hybrid individuals display a mix of physical traits that are typically attributed to either of the two discreet species. I dont mean the cameras that are attached to the crabbing boats rigging, I get that, I just dont understand how the shots of the boats seeming like they are 50 feet or so off the bows of the crabbing boats are so steady during those storms. The crab has a fan-shaped shell with a rounded front. In general, the meat of female and male blue crabs tastes the same. Female crabs will have a small, white flap near the front of their undersides that can be seen when they are flipped over on their backs. However, is there truly a difference between how the sexes taste? Email Us, Board of Fisheries and Game: Actions & Activities, Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity Program, Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS), About the Division of Commercial Fisheries, Western Alaska Salmon Stock Identification Program (WASSIP), Online General Season & Registration Permits, Subsistence and Personal Use Fishing Permits, CSIS Community Subsistence Information System, The Technical Papers and Special Publications Series. Read More Dungeness Crab Vs. Though they look alike in various features, there are many differences between them. The very reason is they can survive consuming seafood. Why is it that they seem to catch females and young crab together whole pots at a time? More often than not, they live deep inside the ocean water. The dimension of bairdi crabs typically ranges from 5 ft to eight ft whereas the scale of opilio crab ranges from 4 ft to 7 ft. is chemically. With thousands and thousands of creatures already discovered, scientists and specifically zoologists admit that there are still many species that are not known to us. At the same time, the females can attain a weight of half a kilo. [i]Kurzschwanz-krebs[/i] in German? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'differencess_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-differencess_com-leader-1-0');There are many differences between Bairdi crabs and Opilio crabs when it comes to hunting and fishing techniques. As always you are a wealth of information. Those who do eat female crabs will often note that they taste sweeter and more flavourful than their male counterpart.Related Articles: Crabbing in Maryland (Blue Crab Country!). [6] Another commercially important species, introduced deliberately to the same region, the red king crab, already has established itself in Barents Sea. Theres featured boats and chase boats. Contact us today. This species of crab is also found in the cold seas around Alaska and in the North Atlantic Ocean. Legs are commonly sold in clusters, precooked and . Wear gloves. Is it even safe for you to, Read More Can You Eat Blue Crab If They Die?Continue. Chionoecetes opilio crabs eat other invertebrates in the benthic shelf, such as crustaceans, bivalves, brittle stars, polychaetes, and even phytobenthos and foraminiferans. Do they move in different groups than the adult males? Credit: Dr. Talia Young. Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries. The Discovery Channel docu-series that chronicles the extreme dangers of crab fishing features some of the most dramatic moments in reality TV. It is also called the Tanner crab. Opilio Crabs are caught using the trawling method. This is now generally recognised as a full species, Chionoecetes elongatus. It makes my job as a nurse in the hospital setting look like a luxury job. Opilio crabs, on the other hand, are a type of crab that feed mainly on crustaceans. Snow crabs can grow to about 2.5 kg (5 lbs) and 60 cm (2 ft) in length. Alaska snow crabs can only grow by molting (shedding their old shell and growing another). [17] The first valid scientific name was provided by Otto Fabricius in 1788, when he redescribed the species as Cancer opilio. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The quotas are set by Fish & Game to ensure that the crab stocks are not depleted by overfishing. Also known as Tanner Crabs, the Bairdi Crab is one of two species of Snow Crabs, along with the Opilio Crab found in the Bering Sea. United States, Canada, Russia, Japan, Primary Consumers My question is how can you tell the difference between a female and a male crab? At least 11 stages of growth for male crabs are recognized. Bairdii crabs are hermaphrodites, meaning they produce both male and female sex organs. Well, the high salt content also makes it seem like the females are sweeter and therefore taste better. The average weight of an opilio crab is one to three pounds. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Required fields are marked *. The crabs have self-evolved 4 times since the formation of the earth. As the name suggests, the Coconut Crabs favorite and primary source food is coconuts which occur in abundance on islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Bairdi crab will get generally called Chionoecetes bairdi and alternatively . The results of this research are used to inform management decisions for this species. When it comes to seafood, there are a lot of options out there. Author Bairddi crabs are often kept as pets, but they are not considered good pets due to their aggressive nature . The life span of a Bairdi Crab is around 10 years. Generally, a Florida Stone Crab can reach up to five inches in length. Sift, sorting by size and sex. Compare Strainsblue Dream Vs Pineapple Express. The Opilio crab also has 2 pairs of thoracic legs which are similar to other fiddler crabs. Opilio is a type of snow crab that is smaller than a Bairdi and has long and wide carapaces which are protective shell coverings over their bodies. Moreover, the female opilio carries around One and a half Lakh eggs, and they tend to lay them deep under the ocean. Opilio crab are sold as Snow Crab. Love watching you. Can You Eat Sand Crabs and How Does It Taste? Though crabs are caught for recreational purposes, mainly, it is used for human consumption. They are considered an invasive species there, but how they arrived there is unclear. [11] The first commercial fishing for the species in the Barents Sea (where it is an invasive species) began in 2013, and the stock of this region likely will reach levels similar to eastern Canada in the future. It is a species of snow crab found in the Bering Sea. The weight of an Opilio crab can go as high as 1.3 kilograms. The Tanner crab fishery began in 1961 and is now one of the most commercially important to the state. Hello to everyone, I really love your show watch every show and repeats too, I would like to know how I can but some of the regular crab (NOT KING crab) I think it would be the Opilio crabs the smaller one. anytime any of you are in OC email me and i will show ya the townDuck Farts and all!! Privacy Policy. Further, the male opilio crabs are twice the size of the female ones. Snow crabs also are scavengers, and aside from preying on other benthic shelf invertebrates, they prey on annelid worms and mollusks. The goal was to leave the female blue crabs so they could populate and reach their previous numbers. Tanners are true crabs with four pairs of walking legs and one pair of pincers. Why cant fish and game allow the boats to fish for their quota, and then if they are over their limit, those crabs have to be taken back out to sea and released? How much do the greenhorns get? While the female Florida Stone Crab is larger than the male, the males have larger claws. Does the female blue crab roe play a role? The snow crab grows slowly and is structured according to its size. Generally harvested from January to April in the Eastern Bering Sea, but available year-round. Which device is used for measuring air pressure? Thanks! The Opilio Crabs are scientifically called Chionoecetes Opilio. Too many crabs nets a fine, too little eats into the boats profit. How long does it take an Opillo crab to grow to Harvest size? We were on a vacation in Alaska and met people from several states who watch every show (even the reruns!!!). Preliminary Survey Results for 2022 Eastern Bering Sea Crab Survey, Surveys Will Collect Data Crucial for Managing Alaska Fisheries and Monitoring Alaska Marine Ecosystems. Opilio Snow Crab. Want to save this article for later? You can order your crab dishes at Red Lobster or most seafood restaurants/markets. Although its color is dark green, the colors can vary as they molt. Small adult and senescent adult males occur mainly at intermediate depths over much of the year, while large and hardy adult males are found mostly at depths greater than 80m (260ft). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to get the latest Deadliest Reports emailed to you! Some people prefer male blue crab meat over female, while others say there is no difference in taste. Females usually lay their eggs in very deep areas of the ocean, such as in deposits of phytodetritus. There are wide varieties of crabs found in this world. If youre ever in the mood for some delicious crab, but dont know what to order, Bairdi and Opilio are two of the most popular choices. The male crabs reach their sexual maturity when they are 4-11 years old, and females reach sexual maturity in 4-6 years. Snow capped mountains reflect off the waters of the Prince William Sound in the Gulf of Alaska. And here's some good tidbits about King and Opilio crabs to review before season 4 kicks off: *At about $4.50 per pound (up from $3.90 last year), fishermen can make between $27 and $45 for each red king crab they catch. The hind legs are hairy, pointy, and flat, and the claws in the front are different sizes. In general, most people claim that there really isnt much of a difference in the taste of male and female blue crab meat. For example, the female back fin section of the blue crab has less meat than the male blue crab rear fin section. It is mainly caught using crab pots. What happened to the Maverick and Blake??? Although it takes a lot of work to eat crab, they have some of the . They develop in female crabs after a male crab fertilizes her. There are cameramen on other boats, ekw. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Even though it has long legs, the legs are often weak, and it is common to see these crabs missing at least one limb. Bairdi crabs have a sweet flavour, while Opilio does not have it. Yum! Keep it up boys. We spent 6 weeks in Alaska in 2009 with pick up and pull trailer. Although there is no actual evidence of this, some claim that the somewhat sweet roe is what actually makes female blue crabs taste sweeter than male blue crabs. This last season, the Sea Star was used as the main chase boat since Capt Larry Hendricks leases out his quota these days and I imagine theyre pitching just as much although theyre not hauling a couple hundred pots so that much help a bit! It is possible to identify the sex of a crab by looking at its features. Snow crab embryos. Lets take a closer look! For the best experience, please use a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Snow Crabs are fond of cold weather temperatures and live in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans. 7/29/09 LOVE Deadliest Catch. Commercial fishermen use crab pots to harvest snow crab. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [6], Since 2016, the snow crab is at the center of a dispute over fishing rights between Norway and the EU. The Horseshoe Crab is born with ten legs, and near the legs are the feeding pincers and the mouth. They are also referred to as Opies in the food markets. The Peekytoe Crab has large deep brown claws with light tips. NOAA Fisheries conducts various research activities on the distribution and abundance of Alaska snow crab. Seven species are in the genus Chionoecetes, all of which bear the name "snow crab". how do you avoid catching king crabs when you fish for opilio? Snow crabs have a horizontal rostrum at the front of the carapace; the rostrum is basically just an extension of the hard, shell covering of the carapace and it boasts two flat horns separated by a gap. Snow Crab: This is the name given to Chionoecetes crabs that live in the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. In general, the meat of female and male blue crabs tastes the same. Their exoskeleton is blue-green. Below the mouth is the abdomen, which also contains gills that help the Horseshoe Crab breathe. The snow-white meat is what gives the snow crab its name and its reputation as a delicacy. To get a clear break down of the differences between male and female blue crabs read below: Depending on where you are your local regulations may prevent you from catching and eating female crabs.As a result, you will only be able to eat male crabs otherwise known as Jimmies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The American Oceans Campaign is dedicated primarily to the restoration, protection, and preservation of the health and vitality of coastal waters, estuaries, bays, wetlands, and oceans. Opilio crabs are a type of crab that can be found in the oceans around the world. what does their tour of duty consist of that earns them this money? However, with that said, there is not much known about the Jonah Crabs life cycle or behavior due to the lack of research studies on the species. Adult females are gregarious and congregate at depths of 60120m (200390ft). The snow crab attains its terminal molt somewhere between instars 9 and 14, at the size range of about 40-150 mm CW for . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. But whats the difference between Bairdi and Opilio crabs? Opilio crab is a small, reddish crab that can be found in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The Alaska snow crab fishery is currently managed according to the three Ss size, sex, and season. Bairdi crab is a type of crab found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. They are generally larger and have larger claws. The Jonah Crab inhabits the deep waters of the North Atlantic Ocean from Newfoundland to Florida. It is characterized by its large claws and spines on its back. Opilio Crab is a type of crustacean used in seafood dishes. Credit: NOAA Fisheries, For the First Time, Scientists Can Predict Traits for All Fish Worldwide. The genus Chionoecetes currently contains seven distinct species.. Common names for crabs in this genus include "queen crab" (in Canada) and "spider crab".The generic name Chionoecetes means snow (, chion) inhabitant (, oiketes); opilio means shepherd, and C. opilio is the primary . Love the Show, you guys cracked me up on Cash cab too. The vision is to cover all differences with great depth. It seems harsh that they have to guess how much crab they have in their tanks. It is brown with white patches and black, large claw tips. Please email me. Are Opilio and Tanner and *B*airdi (did someone use an *h* by mistake when identifying this species) one and the same crab?? also i see a big payout to the deckhands. Although C. opilio and C. bairdi are discreet species, they are able to crossbreed. Keep up the good work and info. [4] Males caught in commercial fisheries generally weigh 0.51.35kg (1.13.0lb) and females generally about 0.5kg (1.1lb). The fifth pair of paddle-shaped, flattened legs render the Blue Crab a strong swimmer. Concerning their walking legs, their first three are compressed; their chelipeds, or pincers, are usually smaller, shorter, or equal to their walking legs. The male crab fights for the female crab of their choice. Yummo! . Snow Crabs are fond of cold weather temperatures and live in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans. (LogOut/ It has high salt content but has a slightly sweet taste. Credit: NOAA. Males can grow to a carapace width of 6.5 inches, while females can grow to a width of 3.7 inches. . Is that possible? The stock is overfished. Scientists say overfishing is not the cause", "Billions gone: what's behind the disappearance of Alaska snow crabs? A female crab can often give birth to 2 million small crab larvae. Female crabs carry up to 3.5 million fertilized eggs, which are developed into adult crabs in about two weeks. How to Identify Male vs Female Blue Crabs, Crab Measuring Gauge for Dungeness & Blue Crabs, U.S. wild-caught Alaska snow crab is a smart seafood choice because it is sustainably managed and responsibly harvested under U.S. regulations. Male and female Snow Crabs have slightly different abdominal flaps, with the male crab having a triangular abdominal flap and the females having a rounded abdominal flap. BTW, DC has become my favorite show, edging out COPS, which WAS my all-time favorite. When the eggs hatch, the larvae look like tiny shrimp. Be careful when buying in your local store, as much of that crab comes from Russia. Might as well call them Poor fell-i-ows. An alternate German sounding name could be Needsenzyte.. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you! The opilio snow crab is smaller than bairdi, weighing it at around 1.5lbs to 2.5lbs. The Bairdi Crab and the Opilio Crab are two different types of crab that can be found in the ocean. Not to mention that the crab start to die after awhile. When it comes to crustaceans, there are many different types with a lot of different names. He's fished his entire life and has been to locations across North America to catch a range of fish and crustacean from crabs and prawns to minnow and trout. It is also known as the Snow crab. With the Crabs weight, the meat content is less than most of the crab varieties found in the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. These large crabs were estimated to be 20-30 years old. Only male crabs of a certain size may be harvested, and fishing is not allowed during mating and molting periods. Some claim that males have flakier meat while females have denser meat, although Ive never paid close enough attention to confirm it. Hi Nadjadee! The Bairdi crab is also larger than the opilio crab; for example, a Bairdi crab can be up to four inches long while an opilio crab can only be about one inch long. The Dungeness and Snow crabs are two examples of the multi-legged, sideway walking marine arthropods. These crabs weigh up to three pounds, a bit smaller compared to their more desirable and larger cousins, the red king crab. strange. These crabs live from a lifespan of 5 to 6 years. Biology Male Alaska snow crab can reach 6 inches in shell width but females seldom grow larger than 3 inches.

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